I have created the model in FM with one schema named L1.I published the package and created some reports .Now my customer wants to point a different schema that named L2,The L2 schema is same as L1 schema but only the schema name is different,So now at this stage what & where all changes need to be implemented by me to run the reports?please let me know?
Thanks in Advance,
What: Datasource
Where: Framework Model, and also possibly in your Cognos Connection Datasource's connection setup, depending on the RDBMS
Publish the Package once the Model has been updated
Thanks a lot for your kind information ...
I'm having an issue with this as well.
I found a problem when importing the sample "Audit" package. Even though the data source name was correctly called "Audit" the tables couldn't be found. I had to open the FM model and rename the schema to COGDLOG for our development environment.
However: our Acceptance Test environment has everything the same but the schema name. Is there another way to update this schema name?
Otherwise I'll have to rename the schema name to be the same on all environments!
Is it impossible to specify the schema name in the connection wizard in Administer IBM Cognos content? This would really be an area for improvement!
I think this issue only occurs on Oracle. On SQL server there is a way to provide the database name. Is there nothing similar to that for Oracle?
Quote from: Plantje on 13 Jan 2010 03:37:56 AM
I think this issue only occurs on Oracle. On SQL server there is a way to provide the database name. Is there nothing similar to that for Oracle?
Oracle allows for synonyms. I think it should be possible to get access to a different schema that way.
I wonder whether it would not be easier to use a database signon that is identical to the schemaname. You should check with the DBA , that way using a different signon would be the way to directly access tables under the same schema..
Found it!
Just remove the schema name from the data source specifications in the FM model. Then it'll stop looking for the specific COGDLOG or COGALOG or whatever schema. In that case it just uses the information that it gets from the connection and everything works!
Then it's also easily possible to deploy a package to another environment.