I all,
does anyone known what is the max possible size of a D-cube in planning analyst and what is the max possible number of cell of a contributor application?
Should limit the size to less than 10million cells in Analyst.
anil k .marri
As per best practices the cube size should not be more than 5 million cells.
I anilkumar,
i'm using version 8.4 of cognos Planning Analist and Contributor
I' have read somewhere that Analist cube size can be even 20 million cell:
in my case, i'm trying to create an application using for example 6 cubes
cube1 500.000 cell
cube2 250.000 cell
cube3 18.000.000 cell (e-list)
cube4 18.000.000 cell
cube5 2.000.000 cell
cube6 2.000.000 cell
for a total of about 43 million of cells (summing analyst cube size) and about 23 million of cell ('Total number of cell in applications for e-List' in Contributor Application Detail)
If i try to generate such an application, Contributor made it, but when i try to open contributor web application and try to open an element of the e-list, the loading of the data ends with an error
(the error is:
'COM object method returns error code: 0x80004005; E_FAIL (Unspecified error)'
WHILE [CCLMsg: system text='ServiceBrokerHost.nodeOpen() - open model '] [invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile681) <- open(INodeModelImpl.java51)]
Maybe is too large the application or there is any other problem ?
hi sim
iam using more than cells what u r using.
anil kumar
Analyst can handle 150 million cells (given a workspace of around 1.3GB),
cubes up to 250 million cells can be created and used, but never opened or updated as a whole.
Contributor seems to crash when a single cube has more than 1 million cells.
But, with big cubes, looking at aggregated eList items becomes impossible anzwaz.
I believe the size of your application will be dependent on your job server (memory) more than anything else. We commonly open Analyst cubes with 25 million cells; larger applications require opening slices at a time.
How large is your e.List and rights file for the Contributor web application that is giving you the error?
Hi Simone,
The size of Contributor applications is based around how big the model is for one slice. That is how big 1 e-list is. The overall best practice advice is that a single slice should be no more than 500,000 cells, but this can be slightly exceeded if there are only a few cubes and a few links. Your model looks huge but I'm guessing it comes down to smaller numbers when you look at a single slice. If you end up with over 1 million cells in a single slice, then contributor will either not work (crash and burn) or be slow (really really slow) so a redesign may be on the cards.
To reiterate the posts above, you can have huge analysts cubes, just don't try and open anything over 5 million cells on a 512mb machine or over 10 million on a 1gb machine, but use edit or saved selections to open a smaller slice.
Hi Extirpator, SKB
thanx for reply
my e-list and e-rights file are about 48 elements each
My machine have 1 gb memory
When I browsed the IBM Support website for the below error which you are getting, the following is the solution recommended.
'COM object method returns error code: 0x8004005; E_FAIL (Unspecified error)'
Rebuild the application with a new d-list dimension name as the illegal character will prevent proper functionality
Reference Link:
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=3449&context=SS9S5U&context=SSWGNW&q1=E_FAIL+%28Unspecified+error%29&uid=swg21403822&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=3449&context=SS9S5U&context=SSWGNW&q1=E_FAIL+%28Unspecified+error%29&uid=swg21403822&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en)
Hope this might be of some help.
When we get the java51 error, here's how I fix it:
- Close all browser windows having to do with Contributor applications, not just the window with the error on it.
- Go to Start > My Computer > Local Disk (C:) and paste the following into the address bar:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Cognos\EpCache
where [username] is replaced with your logon name - Delete the two files:
If the file is in use, reboot and try deleting these files again.
Note that the Local Settings and Application Data folders are hidden. You will either need to cut and paste the location or change your Explorer settings (Tools... Folder Options... View tab... Select Show Hidden Files and Folders) to show the hidden folders.
The next time you open a Contributor application, these files will be rebuilt. The epCache files on the client computers are getting currupted. I have not noticed what is causing the files to become corrupted; however, deleting these files works 100% of the time for all of my users.
Thanks a lot Extirpator - worked like a charm !!! ;D