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Scorecarding and Dashboard Software => COGNOS Metrics Manager => Topic started by: colaflash on 29 Oct 2009 03:42:56 AM

Title: Metric Studio - No Data
Post by: colaflash on 29 Oct 2009 03:42:56 AM
Hello All,

I'm both new to this forum (so Hello :D) and new to Metric studio and -designer. To get used to the designer and the studio i am following the tutorials on the IBM-Site ( I have mapped data from a testcube with the "extract metrics" Wizzard. All testresults showed Data for each scorecard and metric. And now the problem: after executing the metricsextract and importing it into the metric studio i can't see any values for the metrics (in the metric studio), there are just scorecards with empty metrics. has anyone an idea of why this is happening or what i should take care of?

Kind regards

Title: Re: Metric Studio - No Data
Post by: amulya142 on 13 Nov 2009 01:52:49 PM
Hi Valentin, Obviously, there is something which is not working as desired. When you execute your Metrics Extract and it is successful, go and check the table 'KPI_VALUE_STAGE' in the metric store. It should  have all the data you want to see in the Metric Studio. Make sure you do the distinct count on the rows and make a note of it. Then run your command 'Transfer data from staging area into metric store'. After this is run completely. Go to the metric store and check the table 'KPI_VALUE_STAGE_REJECTS' and check the number of rows. This is going to give you an idea and starting point for you troublehsooting. Make sure the Metric Mapping for all the measures/KPIs are done properly. Actual, Target etc....I hope this helps you.
Title: Re: Metric Studio - No Data
Post by: ggelfand on 01 Dec 2009 02:03:17 AM
Dear all,

I have the same problem, however I have managed to identify this as a mapping problem between metrics and metric types in Metric Designer. I am using v8.4. When the mapping is done by hand - all works OK and all values appear as it should.
However, I have hundreds of metric types and hundreds of metrics, therefore am looking for a some sort of automation for this mapping. Does anybody of you gurus know a solution to this? I have connected the metric_type_ID for the DIM_Metric_Type in Framework to the metric_type_ID in the Fact table - no use.
I am clueless and need a solution or a workaround of any kind to this ASAP.
If Metric Designer doesn't support it - this is also an answer.
I am truly stuck because of it.

Thank you in advance,