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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: mohini7 on 28 Oct 2009 11:54:03 AM

Title: Cross tab drill-through definition is not working for summary cells please
Post by: mohini7 on 28 Oct 2009 11:54:03 AM
please any one can help me?

Drill Through Definition on Cross tab Summary cells (Totals) is not working how can i make it to work or how to disable to drill through on summary cells

detail explanation
About Source Report
i have a summary report which shows sales by store , state,ctry,currency for years
Cross Tab rows (Currency,Country,State,Store) Column (Year) Measure Sales
then i have summry (average of sales) per store, state, country, currency
About detail Report
a list report includes detail level transactions (it has currency , countrym state , store fileters) in it

Thanks in advance
please help me