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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: sefaxe on 26 Oct 2009 08:27:11 AM

Title: Sending reports C8 by e-mail
Post by: sefaxe on 26 Oct 2009 08:27:11 AM
Hello Everybody.
I have a problem sending reports C8 by mail.
I created a job and I sechudule a report to send it by mail. When I start the work, the status is stuck on hold with this message: CNC-SDS-0408 e-mail messages are waiting to be sent.
For information, I specified a recipient (through the LDAP) in the options work.
I even did a test by putting my email address without success.

Have you any ideas?

thank you for your help.

Good day.

PS : excuse me for my bad English. I am french  ;D
Title: Re: Sending reports C8 by e-mail
Post by: bfmooz on 10 Nov 2009 02:04:20 PM
Did you try performing a test of your LDAP connection through Cognos Configuration?