We are in Cognos 8.2. We have many frame work manager relational models and reports created. Now we are planning to build cubes. It is something like this - the data in the models is what we would want to have in each cube. So, my plan was to make a copy of the existing frame work model and convert the query subjects to Regular and Measure dims. Then publish the Dimensionally modelled package to use in Analysis Studio.
Now my question:
We have transformet and powerplay tool also. But upfront etc is not set up yet. Our goal is to access the cube from Analysis Studio. Please let me know what the best approach is. My manager is interested to have the model for the cube created through transformer rather than utilising the existing framework model. I am confused. Please respond a.s.a.p. Thanks!
You can create a FM model and publish in portal. These can be used in transformer and you can do some design on the transformer as well. transformer will create a cube for you here
Transformer indicates you are going to build 'traditional' Cognos7 physical cubes. You need to link the model in a Cognos 8 Framework to be able to publish a package to work with Analysis Studio. (so ,the other way around as UseCog describes)
The alternative is to build a DMR model within the FM model and DIRECTLY publish this.
8.2 DMR is not a good competitor to a real cube, you need the enhancements in Cognos 8.4 to build a fully mature DMR model
Thanks UseCog, blom0344!
Can you kindly let me know how a can a model be created in powerplay transformer and have the cube accessed in Analysis Studio?
Is it this way - create model in transformer>build cube>create a model in Framework manager with this cube datasource>create package and publish> access the package(cube) through analysis studio??
In such case, does the cube needs to be refershed on a regular basis as usually done with powerplay cubes?
Appreciate your reply.
the flow is same as you said... but you can create a new data source and package from the transformer itself and you can pubish from the transformer. then you can access the cube package using AS.
Quote from: UseCog on 28 Oct 2009 04:27:11 AM
the flow is same as you said... but you can create a new data source and package from the transformer itself and you can pubish from the transformer. then you can access the cube package using AS.
Does 8.2 support this? I thought this was 8.3 or 8.4 functionality..
Anyway, the other procedure is importing the datasource (to the cube) in FM and publishing from FM. And Yes, if you use a cube, you will need to refresh , preferably by the cubeswap utility
oops.. I am not sure whether this possible in 8.1/8.2, please confirm this... Blom: you can be correct here
I havent worked transformer in these releases.
Thanks both for you responses.
We are in 8.2 and are moving to 8.4. So will be using 8.4 transformer or FM to create cubes. Can
you please provide step by step process to access cube in Analysis studio when the model is
created in transformer?
After creating the cube from transformer, the cube should be placed on server. Now do I need to
create and ODBC connection on the server or just select the "power cube" option from Cognos
UseCog, you have mentioned that in 8.4, a new data source and package can be created from transformer itself. Can you let me know how?
Also, I am familiar with Transformer 7 series and always used iqds as data source. How can I get the sql server tables as data source in transformer 8? I think "dBase table" should be selected under DataSource type when creating model from transformer. But, the next screen asks for a File to attach. What is it about?
Please help. Thanks!
You need to look up this in admin guide. It is all there neatly described. Creating packages and datasources etc. dBase is a specific and almost obsolete database format , that is the reason it wants you to point to a certain file. I am pretty sure you do not store data in dBase anymore. More likely in SQL server / Oracle
Once you install 8.4 then go to the powercube window where you specify the details of the cube. You can see 'Data source' and 'Package' tabs there and you can name it and locate the package somewhere in the cognos portal... this is quite easy
SQL server tables can be accessed through a FM package in transformer...
Thank you!
I finally got 8.4 transformer installed. As said before, I am a novice and we are starting to work on cubes.
Please let me know the best practice to create data source in transformer 8.4 - IQDs (designed in FM) or FM Package?
Thanks again.
Do not use IQDs if you are designing from scratch, as these are Series 7 technology.
Either use a published package as your data source in Transformer, or else if filtered data is required, build a list report (with auto group and aggregate disabled) in Report Studio and use this as the data source in Transformer.