How to display a custom message to viewers when no records are returned in the report.
If you are using Cognos 8.3 Vesrion,
Select the List 'OR' Cross Tab 'OR' Chart Report and Set the Data Container Property to 'YES'
If you are using below 8.3 version ,
Add one data item Rownum()
Create List Footer with 'NO data Message" for List Report
Create boolean variable with condition If Rownum()>0
based on condition hide and show the Report Footer and Report (BOX TYPE=NONE) and display the message.
Hi Venu ,
thanks for u r reply.
v r using 8.2.
I tried with your steps given. but not sucess full.
please reply.
create a lsit Report with required fields.
click on List page Headers & footer from the tool bar
Type No data Message in the List page footer.
Create a boolean Variable with condition RowNumber()>0.
If condition yes assign style variable and select List footer Box Type = None
If condition no assign style variable and Select List Column body Box type =None
Hope this will work for you.
I tried with RowNumber function.
after Selecting the LIst footer, in properties i select Style variable.
in that Both YES and No are selected and not enable to deselect.
i followed the same step you given,
please tell whether i need to change anyother property.