i am fairly new to report studi but i have a request for a summary report. I need to show year, institution, age category , sex and LOS based on a certain diagnois type. Now i want vto provide a filter on diagnosis type (diabetes). here is the catch there are propable about 100 if not some more diabetes type diagnosis. how can i provide a custon filter to bring back only the diabetes diagnosis type...and all the other information that i need in a summary report
hi any odeas on this summary report custom filter to bring back all these diagnosis required.if this filter was based on a diagnosis code i could use a between statment but there are propable about 100 diagnosis in text format so how do i handle this statement
any ideas on this solution!!!!!!!!!!
Why won't a regular prompt that allows the user to select which type work?
In your diagnosis dimension table, create a new field called Diagnosis Type (or group). For all the diabetic ICD9's, label this field Diabetes. That way they can filter off of Diagnosis Type rather then individually selecting them.
Either that, or do a between statement for the 250's and then an or for the random codes.
hi i didnt want to do a prompt as the are 1000's of diagnosis and users would have to scroll through the big list to locate them. Are you saying i ould use a between statement for the first diagnosis name and the last and it will pick up all in between.
thanks bunker
hi twlarsen
i am not fulling confortable with making modifications in the framework pacakge as this is failry new to me also. is there a way i could make a copy of this package and create this new field and called diagnosis - goupr each grouping for things such as diagnosis,cancer,etc an go from 1000's of diagnosis to maybe a 100. AT that time i would like to be able to test against the report (sdummary ) i am trying to develeop