I try to figure out following problem.
When a branch manager is running (interactive) report "A", he gets the report based on how many branches he has access to: 1 branch, 2 branches, etc.
Now, for branch managers with access to more than one branch I added a prompt page, so he can pick and choose which branch(es) he would like to see (still depending on his access level).
Now my question: How can I skip the prompt page for managers with access to only one branch?
Never mind, figured it out.
tell us
certainly with the render variable in the page properties.
That's the way I would do.
Create a variable count([Branch] for Report) > 1
and render the prompt page accordingly
I tried a lot of ideas.
Here is what worked for me:
First I created a query with native SQL to get my branch-count done, depending on the user access:
if (
select "T1"."USRMA" AS "USRMA"
from "SunstateBI"."dbo"."dUserMapping" "T1"
where "T1"."ADACT" = #sq($account.personalInfo.userName)# and "T1"."USRMA" = 'Y'
select distinct count("Location"."ZLLOC") AS "ZLLOCCount"
from "SunstateBI"."dbo"."dLocation" "Location"
left outer join "SunstateBI"."dbo"."CBUMAPPF" "CBUMAPPF" on "ZLLOC" = "CBUMAPPF"."BRNCD" or "ZRRGN" = "CBUMAPPF"."RGNCD"
where "CBUMAPPF"."ADACT" = #sq($account.personalInfo.userName)# and "ZLLOC" between 'A00' and 'ZZZ'
end else
select count("Location"."ZLLOC") AS "ZLLOCCount"
from "SunstateBI"."dbo"."dLocation" "Location"
Now I went to the 'Prompt Pages" and clicked once on my 'Prompt Page1' and added my 'LocationCount' query to the 'Query" option and added 'ZLLOCCount' to the data-Properties.
Inside the prompt page I have my 'Value Prompt' defined as Required=Yes, Multi-Select=Yes, Select-UI=List box and Auto-Submit=No
Somewhere in the header of the prompt page I added an HTML-Item.
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout('oCV_NS_.promptAction(\'finish\')', 100)
This HTML Item has a Render Variable 'Single_Branch' as boolean
[LocationCount].[ZLLOCCount] = 1
I also changed the propertied for 'Page Body' and 'Page Footer' by adding a Conditional Style called 'Just 1 Count', which is
[LocationCount].[ZLLOCCount] = 1
with box-type 'none'