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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: wykabryan on 15 Oct 2009 10:14:54 AM

Title: Open new window using javascripting
Post by: wykabryan on 15 Oct 2009 10:14:54 AM
We are migrating from cognos 7 to 8.4, well it is a fresh install. We are having problems with having created URL in connection opening to a new window. The raw http works without issue but as soon as we put <a href....></a> it returns a generic windows error about how it cant find the page. Additionally we have try to do use javascript like we have in 7 without success.

javascript: a(); function a() {'https://someurlhere','_blank' ,'height=600,width=750,location=no,scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes'); if (self.parent.frames.length == 0) window.close(); };

we also tried putting this in <a href=""></a> without success.
Is there a configuration that we are missing. We have no acceptable domains set up, although I do not believe that is the issue.