Hi All,
Could you please help me how to create a crosstab without measures.
The requirement is to display textual values in the intersection of a crosstab.
Here a crosstab contains one column is as ROW, and one parent column & three child columns are as COLUMNS. It should display the values(text) of child columns in the intersection with respect to the rows.
For that, I created a crosstab. In the intersection, set 'Define Content, to 'YES' and dragged the child column into it for each.
But report is showing 1st row values repeated for all the rows.
Please find the attachment for pictorial details.
Please find here.
Report view is like it :(First row values are repeating)
Parent Column
EMPL ID -Row Child Col 1 Child Col 2 Child Col 3
101 101-Child Col 1 101-Child Col 2 101-Child Col 3
102 101-Child Col 1 101-Child Col 2 101-Child Col 3
103 101-Child Col 1 101-Child Col 2 101-Child Col 3
But Crosstab shold be, like this:
Parent Column
EMPL ID -Row Child Col 1 Child Col 2 Child Col 3
101 101-Child Col 1 101-Child Col 2 101-Child Col 3
102 102-Child Col 1 102-Child Col 2 102-Child Col 3
103 103-Child Col 1 103-Child Col 2 103-Child Col 3
Any luck with this ?
What's the requirement? Are there 3 fixed child columns? If you can example of the way your data is structured in the model, I may be able to help.
Here's how my data is structured. I have only listed 3 attributes for Die (Type, Name, Manager) in this example.
There are actually more. I am having trouble with displaying the intersection in a crosstab.
Product Die Type Die Name Manager
ABC Digital Mustang Allen
ABC Analog sRoc Tim
DEF Digital Devo Michael
DEF RF Rana Robert
And here's the desired output -
Product Die Type Die Name Manager Die Type Die Name Manager Die Type Die Name Manager
ABC Digital Mustang Allen Analog sRoc Tim
DEF Digital Devo Michael RF Rana Robert
To put it simply, you can only display numbers in a crosstab.
You may get the effect you require using a list report inside a repeater. I don't use them much so I can't give you much more info. Build a basic list report which shows the first three columns, then somehow tell the repeater to render based on the 'Product' column.
Have a go. If you don't have any luck I'll have a try.