Hello Friends,
I has one requirement i.e I need to show the Strings on the Bar chart.
Ex: I created the report Top 5 selling products as Bar chart report
with Product name as Category dropjone and Quantity and revinue percentages on series drop jone.
Now the requirement is I need to show Product Name on the bar for the items are qunatity and revinue percentages can any one please help me on this. How to resolve
Quote from: Cognosri on 13 Oct 2009 01:38:26 AM
Hello Friends,
I has one requirement i.e I need to show the Strings on the Bar chart.
Ex: I created the report Top 5 selling products as Bar chart report
with Product name as Category dropjone and Quantity and revinue percentages on series drop jone.
Now the requirement is I need to show Product Name on the bar for the items are qunatity and revinue percentages can any one please help me on this. How to resolve
Did you explore properties of x-axis(Category) and Combination chart?