Hello Friends,
Please help me How to resolve the fallowing issue.
1. I needs to ctreate one value prompt which shows two Vlaues
Those are 1. Previous Week
2. Specified week are not there in database.
I created that using Valueprompt Parameetor and added the those two Values using static choice.
But I need to create the another prompt as dateprompt with from and to options based on 1 st prompt.
i.e select "Previous Week" option defaults data display to last week and disable the from and to date fields; select "Specified Period" option enables From and To date fields.
Reqirement: I need to show Top 5 products sale value based on selcted date.
In my sales table I had the salesdate.
and time dimenssion table is also there.
Based on these two tables how I can design that prompt page. Please help me out any one to resolve this issue.
In this case you need to use render variable for the date prompt.
For eg: consider these are the static choices for a value prompt - lastweek, currentweek, MTD,Customselection. And also create the same choices in the condition explorer tab as a string.
Create another date prompt using a date field. Select the created date prompt and go to the property area and in render variable drop down select the created string name in cond explorer. This will enable the date prompt when the user slect customselection in value prompt.