Hello all,
I´m trying to create a report in C8 that looks like one that is made in Impromtu, but I can´t get the filter right.
Here's how the filter looks like in Impromtu:
if (Reason <= 'R06' or Reason in ('R10','R11))
then (Reason)
else ('Övr')
But when I try this in C8, I get all kinds of errors like parsing errors and such. I believe that it's not that easy to just copy the old filter straight off from Impromtu...
For me, the operator "<=" can't be right when working with strings. Does anybody have any useful insights regarding this filter?
Thanks for any reply.
Just to check, how do you want to evaluate the value of the string 'R06' in a les-or-equal-to operator?
Do you want 'R05' to pass and 'S00' to be excluded?
Yes, I want to show R00, R01, R02 and so on up to R06, then include R10 and R11. The rest should fall under 'Övr' ("others" in swedish :))
And you would not settle for:
Reason in ('R00','R01','R02','R03','R04','R05','R10','R11') ?
No, it fails..
Here's how it looks:
IF ( [transaction].[transaction Type].[transaction Type (Document type, reason)].[Reason].[REASON] in ('R00','R01','R02','R03','R04','R05','R10','R11') ) THEN
( [transaction].[transaction Type].[transaction Type (Document type, reason)].[Reason].[REASON] )
( 'Övr' )
I get two parsing errors near position 108. I will have to check that position. Thanks anyway for the help.
I applied the filter in the Data Item Expression instead. This seems to work.
Yes, and that's the place where it belongs. It is indeed an expression and not a filter. A filter would be when you create a subset from data returned. Your intent is not to limit data fetched but to manipulate WHAT you fetch..