I have a particular field in the output which is a number eg: 45.56 and i have created a static choice prompt with selctions '=0' and '<>0'. When ever the user selects '=0' that particular field should give only 0.00 if it has and for '<>0' it should populate all others no's which is not equal to 0.
The '<>0' selection is working fine but for '=0' its populating 0's as well as the null values. I need only the 0's but.
I used this condition for the static choice.
when (?Reclaim Tax Amount?='=0')
then (([Reclaimable Tax on Expense Amount (reimbursement)]) = 0.00 )
when (?Reclaim Tax Amount?='<>0')
then (([Reclaimable Tax on Expense Amount (reimbursement)]) <> 0.00 )
Any help is appreciated.
filter() will help
The mentioned case statment is used in the filter only.
now use filter() in Data Item
filter([xxx],[Reclaimable Tax on Expense Amount (reimbursement)] is null)
Can you pls brief me on that?? Could'nt get it exactly..
I have Product in Rows and Revenue in Column,
so if I do not want to see Products where Revenue is null
instead of Product I use FilteredProduct Data Item
FilteredProduct is
filter([Product],[Revenue] is not null)
ok.. will try doing that.. Will it work for list report?
I tried doing this but still its giving null values. But when i use IS NULL condition its populating only null values which is right.. Not working only for IS NOT NULL condition.
Any other thought?
works in 8.3