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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: bucky on 07 Oct 2009 05:36:24 PM

Title: contains() not working
Post by: bucky on 07 Oct 2009 05:36:24 PM
I have a filter expression that looks like this:

[Report Path] contains ('/content/folder[@name=''Sales Reports'']/')

It's returning 0 rows, even though I know those rows exist. I think the square bracket may be a special character or somehow messing it up, because when I do this, I get rows returned:

[Report Path] contains ('@name=''Sales Reports''')

Title: Re: contains() not working
Post by: bucky on 07 Oct 2009 05:48:43 PM
I'm positive it's the left bracket, because when I remove the left bracket, it works:

replace([Report Path], '[', '') contains ('/content/folder@name=''Sales Reports'']/')