I have a report where the user can select a year and the month of the year.
Next, I created a new data item [YTD] and used periodsToDate to get all months until the selected month.
I would like to count these months, so I tried to create a new dataitem [Number of months] with the expression
count(1 within set set([YTD]))
Until here, everything works fine.
Finally, I added a simple prognosis using
[Result] / [Number of months] * 12
The expression evaluates fine, however when I try to run the report it returns:
OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: {0}.
OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: <nodeRef ID="OPSummaryQuery::CheckQRDDimensions()"/><nodeRef ID="dimension="[MEASURES]"; edge="axis(2)"; edge="axis(0)""/>.
I hope anyone can help me or provide me with a better solution to calculate my prognosis.
Thank you.
try this
total(currentMeasure within set [YTD]) /count(currentMeasure within set [YTD]) *12
or this:
12 * average(currentMeasure within set [YTD])
Thank you both.
I replaced currentMeasure with the actual measure I needed to make it work.
My solution to count the members was a bit difficult, considering the possibility to use the average function directly ...