Hi Guys,
Been looking around for information (even raised issue with Cognos) but unable to find any resolution.
In a normal day (STD), Melbourne, Australia falls under GMT+10.
However, as of Sunday 4/10/2009, the Daylight Saving Time occur and now Melbourne Timzone is GMT+11.
Unfortunately Cognos does not recognize the changes in the daylight saving and all the objects shown in Cognos Connection (Modified date, run date, finished date, etc) are now 1 hour behind of the actual time.
However, the Timestamp in all of the Cognos Logs have been adjusted to the correct timezone (GMT+11).
I'm aware that I can easily make the changes in Global Configuration of Cognos Configuration and select a different timezone which have GMT+11.
However, I'm just surprised that a tool as expensive as Cognos does not have the capability to easily adjust to Daylight Saving (or is it I'm missing some info)
Are there any method in which the timezone which gets used to display the object in Cognos Connection to be updated automatically?
We seem to be having a similar problem with 8.3 SP1, all time zones are correct and the NSW people are out by an hour. I would make a similar adjustment as you Joseph, but we are across mulitple timezones, so a change like that would affect everyone else adversely.
Don't suppose you (or anyone) knows if NSW has changed their DST period?
Or if there is an updated JRE that I can use?
Last time we had this sort of problem it was the NZT change of moving DST forward by 2 weeks. Which caused all kinds of hell and we had to edit the JRE libaries (I vaguely remember, somthing to that effect).
In my situation, it's just a normal flick of DST, and in my setup, the JRE has already been updated with the latest DST patches.
I just find it odd that Cognos is not smart enough to adjust the hour to comply with the standard DST.
As for an update in JRE, you should only do this if the DST rules have changed (e.g. if normally the DST falls on the 1st Sunday of October, then suddenly the world agrees that it should be 2nd Sunday of October)
However, once you updated the JRE, every 2nd Sunday of October, the display time in Cognos Connection should've automatically adjusted.
Unfortunately in my case it isnt.
Issue resolved:
1. Stop all Cognos 8 service/services
2. Download ICUTZU Release 1.2.0 from http://icu-project.org/download/icutzu.html
3. Unzip the file to a folder called icutzu
4. Run runicutzu (bat or sh depending on OS)
5. Open ICUList.txt and if the icu4j.jar version is not 2008d, you have an outdated version.
6. Open runicutzuenv (bat or sh depending on OS) and replace DISCOVERYONLY=true with DISCOVERYONLY=false
7. Run runicutzu again and it should be in PATCH mode
8. If the update is successful, you should get a message like
"Successfully updated ../c8/bin/icu4j.jar" and "Successfully updated ../c8/webapps/icu4j.jar"
9. Restart Cognos 8
a couple of hints:
1. Ensure that you have environment variables called JAVA_HOME
2. if multiple icu4j.jar is listed in the ICUList in step 5, it produces all available entry in 1 single line. However, the runicutzu only works with multiple line in the ICUList file. small modification is required in ICUList.txt before running the update icutzu process.