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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 02 Oct 2009 09:09:24 AM

Title: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 02 Oct 2009 09:09:24 AM

Hi to all,

- I run this simple report online or in batch mode
- I use the same DATE parameter, always
- The graphic displays the first time i run the report
- The graphic DOES NOT displays after runnin the report the 2nd time
- The graphic displays after running the report the 3rd time
- It seems that the graphic only DISPLAYS RANDOMLY ???

Thanks !
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: Northern_Monkey on 02 Oct 2009 09:24:09 AM
Are you viewing in different outputs?
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 02 Oct 2009 10:20:34 AM
Hi Northen_Monkey,

The problem appears in HTMl and in PDF.

I have not tried in other formats.
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: redmist on 02 Oct 2009 10:34:03 AM
This is a shot in the dark but do you have 2 webservers and the image is available in only 1 webserver?
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 02 Oct 2009 11:01:38 AM

1- What image are we talking about ?

2- The problem occurs randomly in our development environement, which SUPPOSEly has only 1 web server as told by a collegue ...
   The problem also occurs randomly in our production environment, which supposely has 2 web servers as told by a collegue ...

Anymore ideas or suggestions ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: redmist on 02 Oct 2009 11:42:03 AM
When you said grpahics i assumed it was an image. So what exaclty is not getting displayed when you run the report
Title: Re: Graphic displays sometimes and sometimes doesn't displays ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 02 Oct 2009 02:21:41 PM
I was talking about a CHART ... sorry for the confusion.

Rqandomly for unknow reasons the CART displays blank or display correct information.

ANd i always select the same DATE parameters.


I am going to open a SR at IBM COGNOS SUPPORT very soon.