I am fairly new to cognos and looking to create a report based on a model of medical data for inpatient stay. Basically what is happening is i am trying to create a diabtes(diagnosis) report where i will bring in chart number, patient residence, LOS ,diagnosis and diagnosis type. All fields and LOS come from our main table while diagnosis is from a different table. A patient can have multiple diagnosis as it relates to the same admission.
When the report is run this is a sample of what i am getting
chart# / registrat #/ patient Residence/LOS/ Diagnosis/Diagnosis TY
1 111 denver 10 broekn leg most resp
1 135 denver 10 broken arm secondary
1 146 denver 10 scratch on head
2 452 st johns 3 bad back
This is some of the data that is being returned although the actual report contains a few more fields.
For chart #1 the total LOS of 10 is showing 3 times as there was 3 dianosis for the same admit date and dischage date. The 10 should be only showing 1 time not 10,10,10
Any ideas and or details on how to fixe this
You need to check the aggregation of the 'data item' and if nothing apparent is there then ask the person who created the FM to investigate the problem.
Setting proper determinants in the FM model might solve the issue
hi thanks for the info.Do you know if i can go into framework manager and test changes and they are not refected anywhere until i publish????
please advise
I'm not sure about that but you could always publish a test package and point your report to this test package
If this is the list, can you try this.
Select LOS, select Advanced Sort. Drag only LOS column under overall.
This groups LOS.
Then select other columns and set "aggregate" aggregation.
Hide the details by box type.
Let me know if you need help further..