I am trying to prepare demo on the cognos 8.3 capabilities. As i am new to 8.3 please share your thoughts ... or let me know where i can collect some documentation.
Thanks in Advance
Which version of Cognos were you moving from? A lot of the larger changes with version 8v3 were around Report Studio and the Cognos Connection interface. You should be able to find an old presentation on the IBM site of "What's New in Cognos 8v3".
Why are you moving to Cogno s8v3 instead of Cognos 8v4 though? Cognos 8v4 has many new features and was really a major product update. It also has new features around Transformer and a new toll called Go! Dashboard.
If you have any questions, let me know. I can be reached at dadkison@brightstarpartners.com.