Hi All,
How i can alert the end user about macro failure. I want to send an alert message to user when ever macro fails using Event studio.
Environment: Cognos Planning 7.3 V, Event studio is not integrated with Cognos planning.
Can anyone let me know the steps....Please help needed urgently.
Any suggestions are welome...
I don't know event studio very well but I built a similar alert function with MS sql server scheduled agent and I think you can do something similar with Event studio.
What you need to do is to set up your pad as a datasource and then look for a table called Macro. In that table there is a column runstateid which shows the status of the macros. so you have to set a a condition like IF runstateid = cancelled then condition is met and event studio should send mail to the users. Then you of course have to schedule this job to run every hour or so. please remember that the condition will be met as long as the macro hasn't successfully run so it can generate a lot of notifications for your users is someone isn't fixing the problem and rerun the macro that has failed
Thanks a lot :)