how can I import a D-Cube from Analyst to Contributor?
thanks. ;D
Hi nacogxe,
what do you want to import: The cubes data or bring the cube itself into Analyst?
To transfer data, all you do is create a new D-Link, using the cube in question as source.
For target, you choose Contributor, and then pick the model, the cube and whether you want to put the data straight in the pruduction version or the development version.
If you run the D-Link manually, data gets transfered, if you put it in a macro, remember to run the macro step @DLinkActivateQueue to activate the import queue.
To make the cube itself available, just put it in the library Contributor synchronises with. Remember that all D-Links have to be set up in the Update table in order to work. In CAC, Synchronise and GTP (and probably add some access rules), and you should be fine!