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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Framework Manager => Topic started by: kjaslow on 28 Sep 2009 09:08:10 PM

Title: Automatic links in elements
Post by: kjaslow on 28 Sep 2009 09:08:10 PM
I'm not sure if Framework Manager is the right place for this question, but perhaps not a bad place to start...

I have an external application that I would like to use together with Cognos so that terms on a report are assigned hyperlinks when used in a report.  In other words, I'd like to define a term such as 'cost' so that when it is used in a report, it will automatically appear as an active hyperlink with a url that I assign to it.  The catch is that I don't want to assign the link at the time the term is added to a report.  I want that link to be one of the properties of the term itself.

One idea I had was to somehow use the Display Type property in Framework Manager, and assign it the type 'Link'.  Does anyone know if there's a way to control the URL that lives behind this 'Link' type?  Do I actually need to do something with the underlying data to control what url goes with the link?

And if this is the wrong approach, I'd be happy to hear other ideas of how to approach this problem.  The only restriction is that I have to set these links somewhere deeper than at the report level.  They must not be set each time a report is created - that has to be standardized in the "plumbing" such as part of a query, metric, etc...

Title: Re: Automatic links in elements
Post by: rockytopmark on 29 Sep 2009 11:07:56 AM
Assuming you have the full URL in a query item in your Query, simply use a layout expression to piece together the necessary HTML code that will produce a link ...using HREF for example:

'<A HREF=' + [query1].[URL_item] + '>some text</A>'
Title: Re: Automatic links in elements
Post by: kjaslow on 30 Sep 2009 12:06:37 AM
Ok, had to do a little hunt for where to apply a layout expression.  My mind is not thinking Report Studio, so had a bit of a gaff there.

While your suggestion does get me a good URL, the problem is that the solution has to be manually constructed for each new report.  My requirement is that when elements are dragged into a report, they automatically appear as a hyperlink.  In other words, looking at your suggestion, I'd want a way to make [query1].[URL Item]=<a href...>word</a>.  But I need that URL item to be set automatically from either Framework Manager, or Metrics Studio or something behind the report...

Put another way, these URL's need to be a standard part of the schema, so that as users create their own reports, these URL's appear by default.

Thanks for your reply! 

Title: Re: Automatic links in elements
Post by: rockytopmark on 30 Sep 2009 02:29:28 PM
Yeah... I skipped right over the main goal... do it in FM so I can drag and drop in a report... sorry.

Perhaps you can do similar derived query item as done in the layout calculation, but in FM... then the value of the query item would be similar to the expression that created the link... have not tried this, but wondering why it wouldn't work similarly.
Title: Re: Automatic links in elements
Post by: kjaslow on 30 Sep 2009 07:03:00 PM
Well, you've certainly got the right idea now.  But where would I put such an expression in FM? 

I've researched the Display Type property.  It has a setting called 'Link'.  When I set up an element in this way, I do get a hyperlink on my report.  But I don't see how I can control what link is put there.  Even if it were a question of doctoring up my data somehow, I just can't find documentation on how this property works....

Any clues?
Title: Re: Automatic links in elements
Post by: AnthonyJ on 03 Mar 2010 05:47:51 PM

Did you ever managed to create that hyperlink in a query item in FM ?

Our requirement is to create a report footer that has a hyperlink to open an internal app. in a new window.
We have to place this report footer in all our reports. So instead of going to each individual report and creating a footer, we would like to do this in FM so in can be re-used for other reports too.

Awaiting a favorable response.

Thank you.