We recently transitioned to Cognos 8.4 and FP1. The application server has the content manager and three other dispatchers. Every now and again users receive a pid error referencing DPR-ERR-2077. The request failed because the associated report service process with pid 3776 is unavailable. We have been in touch with IBM and a consultant but really have not received a straight answer as to why this error occurs or how to go about correcting it. Any information or suggestions in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
It might be that one of your dispatchers is not connecting correctly to the content store. Did you try testing each dispatcher in Cognos Administration? If you can, try running a report on each dispatcher one at a time to try and isolate the issue.
This happened to us once but in our case it was because we make custom changes to system.xml file on the app server and didn't replicate the customizations on all of our dispatchers.
Good luck!
Quote from: NewXerox on 28 Sep 2009 11:56:42 AM
We recently transitioned to Cognos 8.4 and FP1. The application server has the content manager and three other dispatchers. Every now and again users receive a pid error referencing DPR-ERR-2077. The request failed because the associated report service process with pid 3776 is unavailable. We have been in touch with IBM and a consultant but really have not received a straight answer as to why this error occurs or how to go about correcting it. Any information or suggestions in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I ran in the same problem with one report yesterday when testing 8.1 products on 8.4. Downloaded FP1
and FP2 , installed them and the problem was resolved
We have the same issues. I logged an SR at IBM and they told me that they are working on a patch for this.
The APAR for this Issue is PK96368 you can find it under
Hope that this can help in the future. We will also try Fix Pack 2 soon.
Johan, can you please send me a screenshot of the information provided in that link?
The bloody IBM Cognos service website always Page Cannot be Displayed.
Unfortunately, I don't have permission to view the APAR. It's locked and you need specific credentials to log in...
I think you can ask IBM so that you can get the right permissions.
Install FP2 and the problem is solved.. At least, that is our experience!
Seems like the patch is released, althought I haven't found any download link for it.
Applying the FP2, as blom0344 is saying, might solve it too, I still haven't tried that.
Just some feedback, we still experience this error from time to time even after applying FP2 late last month.
Just played this game with Cognos support in the last few days, and finally got them to admit that this is and issue in 8.4 FP2 as well. There is a HotSite available however, so either open a case with Cognos support requesting the access to the HotSite or get with your Cognos rep. Either way, you should be able to point them in the right direction if you provide them with APAR# PK96368.
Good luck!
Got the HotSite installed on our development server today, and so far it seems to have fixed the problem. As a side benefit, it does not seem that this HotSite has caused any collateral damage when it eradicated the "DPR-ERR-2077" bug.