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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: aa2288 on 28 Sep 2009 09:25:39 AM

Title: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: aa2288 on 28 Sep 2009 09:25:39 AM
I have made a D-Link to import data from a Cognose Package. When I execute the D Link there is no issue but when someone else tries to Run that D Link. He gets the following error. He has access to the published package. Request help to figure out what could be the probable solution. 

Unable to run the Planning Data Import Service using command:  cd /d "C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin"~~"C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe" -Xms32M -Xmx128M -DentityExpansionLimit=200000 -Dorg.jawin.hardlib="C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jawin.dll" -jar "C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\epModeledDataImport.jar" "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\DLink test.TestCognos Pkg_ImportFile.xml" "101:662dc832-303b-782f-6867-0d931c983ba0:3585689112" "http://svr-test-cgn09:9400/p2pd/servlet/dispatch"Unable to parse the Data Manager return xml document.  Please see the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmresult_DLink test.TestCognos Pkg_Mon Sep 28 08_57_41 CDT 2009.xml log file to view information that may have been returned from Data Movement Service~~~~~Result was: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmspec_DLink test.TestCognos Pkg_Mon Sep 28 08_57_41 CDT 2009.xml~C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\dmresult_DLink test.TestCognos Pkg_Mon Sep 28 08_57_41 CDT 2009.xml~~~~~Unable to run the Linkstep.
Title: Re: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: StuartS on 28 Sep 2009 10:11:10 AM
Does the other user have the correct permissions to the source?
Title: Re: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: aa2288 on 28 Sep 2009 02:04:26 PM
I have checked the said user has Read, Execute and traverse rights on the package? Is Write access also required?
Title: Re: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: StuartS on 29 Sep 2009 07:21:49 AM
Have a look at this too

Solution from this link

Resolving the problem
Go into Cognos Administration, Security, Capabilities and add the user into the capability called "Specification Execution". 
Title: Re: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: aa2288 on 12 Oct 2009 04:02:21 PM
Thanks a ton for the Link.
Title: Re: Issue Importing Data from Cognos Package
Post by: aa2288 on 19 Oct 2009 11:16:01 AM
Another cause could be due to the following:

The data movement service need to be restarted or is not enabled.