I started off trying to create a drill through report from a cube based on 2 dimensions (Time and Product). I kept getting error which on further investigation revealed that only one of the parameters was getting passed properly to the report.
From the View Target Mapping option, i could see that the date values were not getting carried over properly.
The Use value column shows the following
009-09-0 00:00:00.000
009-09-3 23:59:59.999
It should infact have been
2009-09-01 00:00:00.000
2009-09-30 23:59:59.999
but the first number of the year and last number of the day is being truncated. Have any of you come across a similar issue.
I tried all options under 'Source Metadata item properties'
PS: my version is 8.4 GA
try creating an extra data item where you cast it to a date and use that instead.
the dataitem in the relational report is infact a date field. Does it matter that it is not a datetime field?
Anyway I tried converting it to a datetime field too but that did not work either
Hi Redmist,
Were you able to resolve this issue?
I am having the same exact issue for 3 days and have been pulling my hair out ... tried all sorts of casts, to_date, to_char combinations, to no avail.
Any updates you have on this would be great!
i do not have a solution for this. I'm going to open a SR with support.
Not too sure about this but I did read in another post in this forum that this is a bug in 8.4