Our 'Table only' publish processes 'chokes' all contributor applications while it runs. The CAC server is basically idle when I look at the Task Manager: processor normally in 2-3% busy with short spikes of 1-2 seconds of ~45%, 500+MB ram available.
What is also interesting is the clock on the CAC doesn't update. No sign of progress from the CAC whatsoever for *29* minutes. Then the message to 'monitor the job via Job Management' appears. Up to that time, none of the 5 job servers are part of the process.
The CAC is unresponsive during this time. Task Manager shows two versions of the CAC in a 'Not Responding' status.
This model has only 46 elist items, and publishes in just a few minutes once it unleashes it to the job servers.
Has anyone else had this issue, and most importantly, how was it resolved? This is really hurting our applications' availability.
Thank you.
At this point the software is actually creating the 'job' in SQL or Oracle, however 29 minutes is quite a long time.
Are GTP processes off of this machine slow as well? Is this CAC machine used for other software, how is the network connection between the CAC machine and the job servers/db server?
Try the publishing without including annotations - I had a similar type issue and removing this option worked