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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Radhika on 22 Sep 2009 09:49:20 AM

Title: Error (GTP): Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTP
Post by: Radhika on 22 Sep 2009 09:49:20 AM

When i am running a GTP in CAC i am getting the below error:

Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTPTransactionDocument' (request was for 'Production_%v.GTPTransactionDocument')~~~~ActiveX component can't create object)

I am using Cognos Planning 7.3 version.

Any suggestions on the above one are welcome.


Title: Re: Error (GTP): Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTP
Post by: JaromirSeps on 22 Sep 2009 10:32:21 AM
Im I'm not mistaken, you didn't paste the whole message which starts like
"Unable to process the toolbar click correctly." ...

The appstore in the database didn't cancel the status of running GTP. So you need to do this manually. I would recommend to make a backup of the affected datastore before you do this (although I never had any trouble and we are doing this without backup).

Open Query Analyzer in SQL Server and authenticate against the Contributor Application Database.
Execute the below script.  This will reset the value for the GTP_Transaction OptionID to blank.
UPDATE adminoption set optionvalue = '' where OPTIONID = 'GTP_TRANSACTION'

Oracle: add the schema_name in front of <adminoption>

(the two '' are two single quotes!)

Title: Re: Error (GTP): Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTP
Post by: raaju on 23 Sep 2009 12:48:39 AM
Hi radhika:

This is Priya. I have been working on CognosBI since past three years. Recently I got trained on Cognos Planning as I am thinking to start focusing on Cognos Planning from now on.

I have a interview to attend which I may need your help. It would be really kind of you if you can response back to my personal mail id:

We will talk in private.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Title: Re: Error (GTP): Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTP
Post by: Radhika on 23 Sep 2009 02:49:41 AM
Hi Priya,

You can reach me on

Title: Re: Error (GTP): Unable to create the object with ProgID of 'Production_73.GTP
Post by: Radhika on 23 Sep 2009 09:42:15 AM

Thank you, Jaromir
