I have a question about Best Practices, that I hope someone can answer. I have multiple queries that have different sets of filters. I want to link all of these queries together into a single chart based one 1 column by creating a dual outer join between two queries on the column. In the Cognos training course, I was told this was called a stitch query.
However, the problem is that I have 8-10 of these queries that I need to place into one report, and 10 reports with different sets that I need to create. So for each report I need to manually stitch together only two queries at a time, and then stitch those together into a massively ugly tree structure of original and combined queries.
This is horrible because if I want to add a new query to the structure, I have to add it at the lowest level of the tree and redo the whole tree or at the highest level of the tree and redo the chart to point to a new combined tree.
Can anyone tell me a better way to doing this? Can I create a single stitch query based off of three or more queries? Can I do something in Framework Manager with the Model?
I think you need to define the relationships between your tables/views in Framework manager and let Cognos do the work.