Hi folks,
I need a solution to the following urgently.Please help me out
I have a column named Division Number.There are five values to it.
1)I have to create a master report
2)I also have to create a report for the 5 division numbers individually..I think Bursting is an option
3)I need to save the reports in the cognos connection portal(i.e. content store) but they must be recognisable.that is they report names must specify whether it a master report or a division report.
May be i can append some name while i create it or maybe i can save them in diffrent folders.
That is 6 reports.Format is excel.one master and 5 division specific
Please help me out guys.i need a solution by end of day :-[
Create a master report which includes all the 5 divisions and then create 5 reports seperately for 5 divisions with a filter in each of the reports. For eg 'Column name'=1 This is the filter for the first report where in it populates data only for the division 1.
See i am trying to create it from user point of view.
Can't i create a single report and when i click it it bursts into one master and 5 divisions?
I know it sounds weird
Thanks anyways
yup you can use drill through then
what the users want to have ?
not sure what for you want to use bursting
create report with one total page and next one page per division (use page set)
you will have one excel with 6 sheets
or crate report with drill down with link to excel, when user will go to level they want, can next click link and open the report in Excel format
How do i use drilldown?
I'm sorry i have never used it before.