Mr/Ms Moderator,
There are times when I am logged in to this wonderful forum, happily clicking along, reading and learning wonderful things when I come upon a post I'd like to comment on. I click 'Reply' and compose my thoughts and then click 'Post'.
Instead of being rewarded by seeing *my* actual words show up in the forum I get a rude popup box that asks me to log in. It knows my username so I give it my password and click okay but it doesn't like it and repeats the process. This could go on for hours but having a bit more intelligence than the computer I actually stop the process. I end up having to log out of the forum, log back in, find the topic and start another reply.
Why does this happen?
Inquiring minds.....
Hi SueC,
The session times out after 60 mins so perhaps you might have just overshot the mark.
Let me know if it happens again.
That's the strange thing. I would expect it to happen when I've been logged in for awhile, but it can happen in the first 10 or 15 minutes.
I'll let you know the next time it happens and the specifics.