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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Go! Dashboard => Topic started by: grindel on 17 Sep 2009 04:39:32 PM

Title: go!Dashboard - custom skins?
Post by: grindel on 17 Sep 2009 04:39:32 PM
Hi All
We have in our BI 8.4 installation a custom skin, call it myskin.  I can set myskin to be the default skin displayed within the BI portal.  However when I launch go!Dashboard this skin is not applied - there is some hideous bright red skin that seems to be a default that shows up when Dashboard can't find the selected skin.  If I select one of the "out of the box" Cognos skins, then that seems to carry over into go!Dashboard just fine.  How do I get "myskin" over to the go!Dashboard installation.  I've been experimenting moving "myskin.xml" over into to go!Dashboard hierarchy, with no results.  I can't seem to find any documentation on skinning go!Dashboard on the IBM site, so I'm turning to you all with high hopes  :)

Title: Re: go!Dashboard - custom skins?
Post by: tlwilson84 on 14 May 2010 11:01:36 AM
I had the same issue and logged a case with IBM. Their answer was:

Yes, unfortunately customizing skins is not supported in Dashboard. This was logged for Developement in 8.4 and the workaround was to modify the user preference settings to the one of the default styles.  

This was the work around a customer offered...

Create skins folders in the Tomcat 6 application templates (basically copying the corporate skins XML and folders and renaming them to our skin) in the following folders:  "x:\cognos\c84\tomcat6.0.14\webapps\c84\WEB-INF\applications\dashboard\fragments\css\skins" and "x:\cognos\c84\tomcat6.0.14\webapps\c84\WEB-INF\applications\dashboard\web\skins"