I am new to COGNOS but have found this site very helpful. We have set up a static COGNOS report that contains links to other static reports that are run overnight and saved in the default web location of COGNOS server(http://servername/cognos8/cgi-bin/). Users do not log into COGNOS Connection and do not run live reports. Do these users still need some type of account? It seems that the Consumer Role/License is overkill, as users do not run live reports or interact with the data at all.
I have heard about the recipient license and remote recipient license. Would either one of these apply in this case?
We will meet with our account rep again next week to hopefully better explain our situation but I thought since I am new to COGNOS that maybe there was not something I am not explaining correctly.
I think 'Reader' role can access saved outputs.
One thing to keep in mind is that IBM has a new licensing process that involves PVU instead of earlier named licensing process. PVU license is based upon the processor of the server and from what IBM rep told us, it doesn't matter how many consumers access Cognos reports.
But if you have old named licenses, then consumers is for all users.
Licensing is confusing; we already have 2 meetings with IBM reps and still have many questions unanswered.
This may only add to your confusion and seeing as it's now a couple of years old may also not be valid.....but this link will take you to a similar post that I made some time ago.
http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,2350.msg8881.html#msg8881 (http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,2350.msg8881.html#msg8881)