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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: lifzgud on 17 Sep 2009 10:07:42 AM

Title: Schedule the report to store previuos versions
Post by: lifzgud on 17 Sep 2009 10:07:42 AM
I am creating a report which is supposed to run everyday.
I want to schedule it but i also want the previous versions to be saved (with some timestamp if possible).I dont want the latest report to overwrite the older report.How is it possible ?
Title: Re: Schedule the report to store previuos versions
Post by: 167505 on 18 Sep 2009 02:23:51 AM

go to cognos connection, locate the report,

select the report and go to properties, now go to the General Tab,

in the number of versions tab,

give the no of occurances as 5.

now cognos will be storing latest five versions of the report output and you can see them from the cognos connection
