Is it possible to update(Publish) the package automatically.
I mean without involvement of FM
Yes, it's possible. You need to write a batch file which automatically opens FM and updates the package in the background and that can be scheduled as well :)
This is possible in Transformer also.
Thanks a lot for your reply adoremars.
Actually i am very new to FM can you please tell me breafly about this I mean how to wrilte a batch file
Please do the need full
start /d "C:\Program Files\Cognos\c8\bin" /w cogtr.exe -c -n2 -s "C:\Project Path"
Above is the code to do the same. Paste it in a notepad and save it as .bat. Give the path of your project in the end with in " " . This works for transformer and i'm sure it should work for FM as well.
Why would you want to automatically republish when no changes have been made to the model? This will - if at all possible - generate the same package.
A package is just metadata, not data.
Transformer is a C7 client tool, whereas FM is C8 technology. Why would it work for C8 FM if it works for C7? I'll like to take your word for it, but it sounds a bit too easy. Did you test this with a script?
Thanku you adoremars
I will try with this
Blom0344 ,
in our database columns will get created dynamically.
So whenever the columns will get created it should update model and published dynamically
Hi Blom,
Basically we use this script for updating the cube automatically in the transformer and it had always worked fine for me and i hope its just a matter of modifying the script a bit to make it work for FM.
Quote from: adoremars on 18 Sep 2009 08:17:41 AM
Hi Blom,
Basically we use this script for updating the cube automatically in the transformer and it had always worked fine for me and i hope its just a matter of modifying the script a bit to make it work for FM.
Yes, but there is quite a difference between updating a cube (= data) and publishing a metadata package. There is little or no shared technology AFAIK. I am not saying it is impossible though. Hey, it is cognos after all..