This is ETL Data manager job (J_DWHSTG00007) which is scheduled on daily basis Cognos web server and while executing the job, it occurs "DPR-ERR-2101 your request was invalid.Please contact your administrator"" and due to this error daily job fails.
Have you changed the Daily Job steps within the ETL Catalogue, we had this issue when we changed the job steps and forgot to re publish the data movement task to Cognos Connection
I think In July we pick the some column form staging area for reproting purpose and modify the booking dimensions and we have published the job in cognos connection. after publishing we save the catalog.
Still I am facing this error DPR-ERR-2101 your request was invalid.
Could you please advice me any one ?
Thanks in Advance!!!!!
Are you using any special characters in your Jobstream names? eg '* ? / ^ $ £ '
_ - & are fine I believe.
Hi Sarge,
We are not using any spacial character in jobstrem. In data manager jobstream name are defined like :- BIW_FACT_BUILDS.
I would like to let you know that i have re-published the couple of data manager(ETL) job in Cognos connection. Even while executing daily scheduled job getting fail first job itself.and error are showing ""DPR-ERR-2101 your request was invalid.please contact system administrator"
other thing.
If daily job run form data manger by manually, then daily job runs successfully.
I have tried some other option but still unable to resolve DPR-ERR-2101 your request was invalid.
Guys- do you any idea or suggestion. please let me know.
Waiting for your response.
Thanks!!! in advance....
Do you delete the Job from the Cognos Connection Schedules and then Re schedule the job?
Hi Evorus,
Yes i have done in Development environment. but still i was getting DPR-ERR-2101 error, after that i have published the all Data manager ETL job In Cognos connection and Re-Scheduled the daily job and weekly job in Development Enviornemt and re-started the development server. so far i did not get DPR-ERR-2101 error, so same step i am thinking to apply in production server.
but i got another error after few days "DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:2009-09-23-06:04:08.030-#1" due to this error daily job got failed, right now i am investigating for this error.
if you have any idea then kindly let me know.
Guys- In My case ETL (Data manager)job are less the 100. if it is more 500 ETL job then what could be solution ?
DPR-ERR-2082 - We had this error when one of our Oracle views was not on the live server but it was on the development server.
Also I whilst I was looking around we also tried this http://www.cogknowhow.com/index.php/cognos-error-base/202-dpr-err-2082
Many Thanks
Hi Evorus,
I have done this testing in Development server. Appart from Restarting the cognos services from cognos configuration manager, if any other option which we can try ? even i have checked dispatcher setting also in cognos configuration.
Quote from: SKM on 23 Sep 2009 04:00:36 AM
Hi Evorus,
Yes i have done in Development environment. but still i was getting DPR-ERR-2101 error, after that i have published the all Data manager ETL job In Cognos connection and Re-Scheduled the daily job and weekly job in Development Enviornemt and re-started the development server. so far i did not get DPR-ERR-2101 error, so same step i am thinking to apply in production server.
but i got another error after few days "DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:2009-09-23-06:04:08.030-#1" due to this error daily job got failed, right now i am investigating for this error.
if you have any idea then kindly let me know.
Guys- In My case ETL (Data manager)job are less the 100. if it is more 500 ETL job then what could be solution ?
Not much I can help, but "DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator" just go to the cogserver.log and search for the entry as per the time in the error message
Hi Josepherwin ,
I have search for the entry as per the time in the error message in cogserver.log and these are following error are showing....
2009-09-25 06:04:59.496 +0 na na asyncDMSThread-3 DISP 731 1 Audit.Other.dispatcher.DISP.pogo pogo com.cognos.pogo.dms.DMSHandler Failure <messages><message><messageString>DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.</messageString></message></messages>
For this DPR-DPR-1035 I have re-started the cognos service on development server from cognos configuration. but still its coming CAF error.