There are a faul in latest FP from Cognos, so "Send me the report by email" don't work.
It is in 8.3 FP4 and 8.4 FP1,FP2.
Cognos is working on the problem.
Keep us posted.
This is what Cognos Support have answered me:
"For 8.4 this error is in FP1 and 2, but not in GA. The is a bug for this also.
The bug # is COGCQ00142260. You can navigate to:
and search on PK89357 ( the APAR associated to the bug ). When you click on
the link it generates, after the search, you will be required to login.
For 8.3 FP4 the bug is COGCQ00182100 and PK88368.
I don't have a FP5 date yet and the hotsite for this is still waiting a confirmed fix."
What you can do that, schedule the report form Administrator account.
I mean to say go and have look into cognos configuration in that from what ID have configure for mailing purpose. form that ID you have to logging in cognos web server(Cognos connection) then you scheduled the report.
Hope it will work.
The "Send me the report by email" is an option for end users, so the report can run in batch and be sent to the user afterwards by email.
Before the latest fix pack - this have been running fine, but after the fix pack the reports are failing.
We can not have all our end users to schedule the reports as administrator, so I really hope Cognos will fix this ASAP.
Its disappointing that they don't have a fix yet as this was originally reported at the beginning of June!
So far i have not heard from IBM Cognos, raised an SR few months back
They assigned a bug track and slept over it.
I have got the hot fix #1043 and it helped to version 8.3 FP004, but I have not get any hot fix for version 8.4 FP002.
Has 8.4.1 fixed this issue?
Quote from: Super_K on 08 Dec 2009 01:30:05 PM
Has 8.4.1 fixed this issue?
From the fix list yes the bug is fixed.
There is a fix for this. We have received it from Cognos. You need to request hotsite fix 8.385.1043. This will resolve the email issue. This issue was holding us up from releasing FP4 to our Production environment so we pushed to get this.
Too many of our users used the email option. We could not have them going into Advanced Options and un-clicking the option to link to the report.
Yes IBM has confirmed hotsite fix 8.385.1043 will resolve the email issue. I have the same issue where users need to click through advanced options in order to send it to themselves. I will be installing the pack in a test environment and testing.