I need to display a report in diffrent worksheets subdivided by a column A
eg if A has values 1,2,3,4,5
I have to display data pertaining to it in 5 diffrent worksheets.
Plz reply as its urgent ???
5 worksheets = 5 report pages (not pages, REPORT pages) and you'll get seperate worksheets in an Excel workbook.
Is that what you are after?
use page set
I want 6 worksheets.one master and 5 according to division number,There are 5 divisions
As of now i have created a single report.
Page sets are worling fine but i need a distinct count on a column ..i am facing some issues
1)Getting the count on the last page not on all the pages
2)I am not able to change the SQL for the report.I need to change the count to distinct count
3)I needed to display the original master report as well in the first worksheet...only then i create the five worksheets
just add page before page set and use the same crosstab