When I create a calculation within Report Studio, it there any benefit to:
pulling the components of a calculation and then building the calculation on those "local" components
build the calculation using the pkg. item (i.e. [FRUITS].[apples] vs. [apples])??
Will either produce different results or affect performance?
What is the difference between a Query Calculation vs. Data Item?
Will either produce different results or affect performance?
there are some nice advantages to items locally...
1) It tends to make calculations more readable,
2) You can do some nifty things with "macros".
For example, this doesn't work:
#sb ( 'FRUITS].[apples' )#
but this does:
(provided [apples] is in the query)
#sb ( 'apples' )#
I haven't noticed any performance difference either way, but it's always worth testing.
(note: although the example is trivial, this type of thing can be quite useful ....for example, a prompt that asks you for a particular column to return. using a macro is WAY better than a case statement in this scenario)
"What is the difference between a Query Calculation vs. Data Item?"
....none. a "Query Calculation" is available on the Report Page view, and "Data Items" in the query view. ...they both result in the same thing. No performance difference whatsoever.
Thank you for finally putting that to rest for us. I needed someone to make sense of it all.