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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: KANUL on 28 Aug 2009 03:51:23 AM

Title: DrillThrough in crosstab to two different report
Post by: KANUL on 28 Aug 2009 03:51:23 AM
I want to give drillthrough in crosstab report to 2 different report from 2 measures in same cross tab report.Is it possible to do that ? As to give the drillthrough , we can only select all the values and give a common drillthrough to 1 report.
Please help.
Title: Re: DrillThrough in crosstab to two different report
Post by: sridharansathya on 01 Sep 2009 12:40:02 AM

It is possible mate, what you have to do is out of the 2 measures displayed in the crosstab select any one by Column intersection in the properties and DEFINE CONTENTS = 'Yes' .Prior to that copy the same measure you are gonna select in the crosstab and add it as a separate data item in the query item.

Ex : if you are selecting sales ,then copy and paste the data item again as sales 1 in the query item

After applying the DEFINE CONTENTS property to 'YES' drag this new copied data item into the crosstab and associate that data item to the crosstab by checking it in the properties.

Now you can apply drill through to different reports as you wish

do let me know still you face issues ...

Title: Re: DrillThrough in crosstab to two different report
Post by: KANUL on 01 Sep 2009 05:13:14 AM
Hey thanks Sathya. I tried that and its working .
Thanks a lot.