I have a crosstab report which returns Budget, Actuals and then a Variance for columns. The "Variance" is calculated by "Budget/Actual".
All works well, until I try to total the columns. The actual and budget columns total just fine, but I need the variance column "total" to reflect: total(budget)/total(actual).
Any ideas on how to achieve this? ???
Select the particular crosstab intersection - in the properties Select 'Yes' for the DEFINE CONTENTS .
Prior to that calculate the Total(budget)/Total(Actual) in a separate data item .
Unlock the tool bar and bring the calculated data item in the crosstab intersection and select the aggregation property accordingly .
Do remember to check the dataitem in the properties to associate it to the crosstab
Thanks Sridharansathya. This was the resolution which worked. The "trick" for this part though was that the crosstab wouldn't calculate a data item correctly, so I had to make the data item a report expression.
Worked like a charm... thanks again!