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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Birdie on 26 Aug 2009 01:23:59 PM

Title: Crosstab Custom Footer
Post by: Birdie on 26 Aug 2009 01:23:59 PM

I have a crosstab report which returns Budget, Actuals and then a Variance for columns. The "Variance" is calculated by "Budget/Actual".

All works well, until I try to total the columns. The actual and budget columns total just fine, but I need the variance column "total" to reflect: total(budget)/total(actual).

Any ideas on how to achieve this?  ???


Title: Re: Crosstab Custom Footer
Post by: sridharansathya on 27 Aug 2009 04:42:28 AM
Select the particular crosstab intersection - in the properties Select 'Yes' for the DEFINE CONTENTS .

Prior to that calculate the Total(budget)/Total(Actual) in a separate data item .

Unlock the tool bar and bring the calculated data item in the crosstab intersection and select the aggregation property accordingly .

Do remember to check the dataitem in the properties to associate it to the crosstab
Title: Re: Crosstab Custom Footer
Post by: Birdie on 27 Aug 2009 09:44:25 AM
Thanks Sridharansathya. This was the resolution which worked. The "trick" for this part though was that the crosstab wouldn't calculate a data item correctly, so I had to make the data item a report expression.

Worked like a charm... thanks again!