Hi All,
My user wants to select report output formats in the Prompt page(HTML,PDF,XLS,CSV).Is there anyway
to achieve this.If so.. pls send me the steps.
use this script in prompt page:
<button type="button" name="finishOutput" id="finishOutput"
style="" class="clsPromptButton"
onmouseover="this.className = 'clsPromptButtonOver'"
onmouseout="this.className = 'clsPromptButton'"
Export to Excel</button>
<script xmlns:xIE6="http://developer.cognos.com/prompting/x IE6">
var promptButtonfinishOutput = new CPromptButton
pageNavigationObserverArray ;
u can modify the value in -- onClick="runInFormat('singleXLS');"> statement for pdf html instead of signlexls
Thanks for your reply.....Its working
hi kalyan,,
for me its not working.
i pasted the html code. in prompt page.
after selecting the prompt value when i click any of hte button , the report open in format which i slected, but the filter is not working, ie., it works for ALL.
any suggestion from your side...