Hi All!
I want to work in two environments(product and develop) with one analyst software.
I know, if I change the filsys.ini file location in analyst->tools->options->.... , but I don't like this solution.
I want to make a batch file, but I don't know which cognos file contains the path of filesys.ini.
Which cognos file read the analyst when starting to know the filesys.ini location?
I hope sy can help me.
I use different solution for this issue:
I have configured filesys.ini stored on planning server (in shared location) - one filesys.ini on dev server and another one on production server. These are my default filesys.ini files.
Then I have configured path to filesys.ini in CAC > Tools > Update filesys.ini options (Allow use of non-default filesys.ini is not selected).
If you use this set up, all you need to do when you want to switch from DEV to PROD environment vice versa is:
- replace the Gateway path in Cognos Configuration and save settings on client computer.
Perfect solution!
Thx a lot