Hi All,
I am using Cognos8.4 version with DMR (Hierarchies created by FM using Regular & Measure Dimension)
I need to create a crosstab report with four measure.Row and column are displayed by according to user selection.
EX:In rows we need to display the following data items: Year, Quarter, Month, Week,Day and MTD according to user selection, similarly in Columns(Country,region,state,city,zipcode and gender) based on user selection(hierarchies level shown here;Year->Quarter->month->week->day,country->region->state->city->zipcode)
For the requirement I created two parameters with static choice with use and display values.
But here year,qtr,month,week and day are coming from same hierarchies,How i can show the data for MTD Wise(Aggregate data In the month up to 15 Date).
Please any one help how to show the MTD wise..............
thanks in advance...........
I don't really know what you want to achieve.
do you want a cumulative or just a total?
for DMR you can aggregated totals: total(measure for report)total for the report or total(measure for month) totals per month
you can also try running-total(measure for month) per month the totals will be accumulated
If you getting the wrong results, try to change the aggregate settings (automatic to calculated)
Hi thank for your replay ,
Actually I need cumulative wise.Ex
MTD Measure
15/01/2008 1000
15/02/2008 2000
15/03/2008 2500
15/04/2008 2000
15/05/2008 1500
Here 01/01/2008 to 15/01/2008 showing data cumulative data.........
please any suggestions me.......How we can create the MTD Dimension
running-total(measure), running-total(measure for mtd)
or MDX:
total(measure within set periodsToDate(MTD, currentmember(MTD))