I am trying to run all my fact builds in an incremental update. i changed the build settings to UPDATE/INSERT...but this causes problems for some reason. I added the Create Date and Update Date at the bottom but Im not sure what exactly they do and how they differ.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks
what problem it is causing?
in the table delivery properties, you can see few extract fields i.e. create date, last update date. you can optionally map them to target table
create date is the date when record was first inserted into table
where as last updated date is the date when record was last updated.
when you do initial load, creation date will be same as last updated date for every record,
while doing incremental load, you can have sets of records 1. new records 2. old records with some column values changes.
for new records you will get creation date = last updated date = sysdate
for old records you will have no change in creation date but last updated date = sysdate
at this point of time you can see creation date <> last updated date
Based on what you're updating and inserting?
Check for your source key as well as target table key.