Hello forum,
Is it possible to concatinate pramter value and report counts? For exaple, I have a report with multi-select Country prompt. A user wants to see the detail report and prompt information in the header along with country totals. For example user selects three countries: USA, France and Germany. In the report header they want to see the following:
USA (50), France (25), Germany (28)
The numbers are number of orders for a particular country. It's very simple task to display a prompt values, but how to concatinate counts makes me puzzle.
Thank you,
The're 2 different things. Displaying a prompt value is part of a report expression, whereas showing totals is associated with a query. This would require 2 seperate objects positioned next to another which will give the impression in the output that they are one.
You can nest a table in a cel (header) list and show the totals there. I would simply take the query dataitem that holds the country and use this with the totals, instead of mixing prompt and query values