I'm running Cognos 8 BI against a Sybase database. I have one report with many small charts in it - these currently equate to multiple sequential queries running against my Sybase db.
I am trying to enable concurrent queries and have done the following:
Switched the execution method in the report querys themselves to concurrent
Set up the three parameters in the Cognos Administration area.
The problem is that my queries are still running sequentially. I checked the cognos KB articlaes but don't see anything that might help here. The help documents talk about how queries may still run sequentially despite having the concurrent settings - does anyone know why that might happen ?
My test report is very simple - 5 little list tables in a row with a separate query for each and yet I can't even get it to work.
Thanks for any help.
Damian Horner.
Are you using native connection to Sybase in Cognos? or are you using ODBC?