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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: kalyan_y on 19 Aug 2009 12:03:55 AM

Title: Drill ups/Drill downs
Post by: kalyan_y on 19 Aug 2009 12:03:55 AM
I have a measure by name Headcount and TIME Dimension where the levels are Year/Half Year/Quarter/Month. Drill ups/downs are available in the report. So, starting at the detailed level, headcount for each month is displayed and when drilled up to the next higher level, it should not get summed up for all the months in the quarter, rather value for last month of the quarter to be displayed.
How to implement this??? Any ideas??
Title: Re: Drill ups/Drill downs
Post by: Naven on 19 Aug 2009 02:50:59 AM
Hi Kalyan,

In Framework Manager, select Headcount measure item, under properties pane click Aggregate rules and then select time dimension and assign aggregate rule as 'Last' and publish the model.

Hope this works.

Title: Re: Drill ups/Drill downs
Post by: kalyan_y on 25 Aug 2009 12:04:22 AM
Hi Naveen,
   Thanks for ur reply. But I couldn't find the aggregate function last. From which version of cognos, it is available?
Title: Re: Drill ups/Drill downs
Post by: mrcool on 26 Aug 2009 02:14:20 AM

Please check the attached screenshot
