I am using the Contributor Excel Add-in with a multi-elist item login to my planning application.
Per the minimalist Help instructions, I have used the Contributor/CopyLocation and paste functions to create links from the Planning pages to the Excel page. An example of the resulting formula is:
=CCell("Summary-Members", "NCR", "5 Fcast Plan Cycle", "Q3 2009 Forecast", "5 Fcast Plan Stage", "WIP", "2 LOB and RSC List Members TBC", "TOTAL", "1 Member Results", "Membership", "4 Yr.Qtr. w RefYrs.NO CALC", "2007A")
I was thinking that I could copy this formula and change one of the d-list items to link to a different elist item, such as swapping "NCR" to "SCR" in the example above, but I get an error of "Contributor cell not found" even if it is a valid dlist item.
I have to set up a large number of these links, and being able to use the global search and replace functionality of Excel would be much easier than having to copy every relevant cell from the planning app worksheets to the excel worksheets.
Does anyone know how this can be done, or of another way to set up multiple links from the Contributor zone to the Excel zone of a worksheet?
Did you ever get any assistance with this as I am having the same problem at the moment. It will take a long time copying each individual cell. Surely there is a way to make this quicker.
Hi Kashif,
I'd recommend taking a look at some of the client documentation - with the new RCP client in 8.4 and later there are quite a few ways of interacting with Excel. Excel Quick Export and Quick Load would be the first to look into, then the Excel Export wizard if you need to be more specific in your selections.
I don't know that either of these options gives you as much flexibility as cell-picking using the XLA, but it's worth a look.
Good Afternoon,
I am encountering the same roadblock. Has anyone come across a solution?